
The study examines Russian disinformation campaigns in Germany, Austria, France and Poland highlighting their strategic role in justifying military actions, sowing discord, and undermining European unity. It emphasizes their focus on influencing public opinion and policy decisions in these counties.


Disinformation Track

We aim to raise awareness about the prevalence and impact of disinformation, and to equip individuals, organizations, and societies with the knowledge and tools to combat it. Our initiatives include research projects, development of anti-disinformation tools, and educational programs.

Our work is informed by a global perspective, recognizing that disinformation is not confined by geographical boundaries. We have a particular focus on the European context, given the significant challenges posed by disinformation campaigns in this region.

The Disinformation Track is part of our broader commitment to leveraging digital technologies and insights for the benefit of society. We believe that by shedding light on the dark corners of the digital world, we can help to create a more informed, resilient, and democratic information landscape

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    Conduct in-depth research on the origins, tactics, and impact of disinformation campaigns, especially those with geopolitical implications. Analyze the effectiveness of current tools and strategies used to fight disinformation. 

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    Develop and host workshops and webinars to educate the public, policymakers, and professionals on identifying and countering disinformation
    Create and distribute educational materials, such as guides and case studies, to improve media literacy

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    Engage with policymakers to discuss and promote regulations that address the spread of disinformation without compromising free speech

    Collaborate with international organizations to establish standards and best practices for countering disinformation

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    Invest in or partner with tech companies to create and refine digital tools that detect and mitigate the spread of disinformation

    Support the development of AI and machine learning systems to track misinformation and assist in debunking efforts

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    Engage with policymakers to discuss and promote regulations that address the spread of disinformation without compromising free speech.
    Collaborate with international organizations to establish standards and best practices for countering disinformation.
    Work with international partners to share insights and strategies for combating disinformation across borders.